The Huichol, or Wixarika, are the last nomadic tribe of the Americas. Their lineage stretches back thousands of years.
The Huichols believe the symbols they receive through visions, bring life force forward to help to heal the world.
They are the true "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" The Huichol believe it is time to hear their story and we are honored to partner with them creating a platform to amplify their voice.
Descended from the ancient Aztecs, the Huichol lifestyle is still based on a "trinity" of veneration of the deer, corn and peyote. Kimo Sabe is proud to be in collaboration with the Huichol, providing a platform for their story and creating an opportunity to fund their tribe.
Our give back program directly funds the artisans, their families and entire tribe for assuring their culture can be sustained and thrive. It is anticipated that the NFT, if fully subscribed, will generate one million dollars for the Huichol assuring their culture prospers for a whole year.